#identity #gender #body #creation
#masculinity.es #representations #diversity

Wendy Delorme


Wendy Delorme is a novelist, author of eight novels to date, ranging from autofiction to magical realism. The first, Quatrième Génération (Grasset, 2007) documents queer subcultures between Paris and San Francisco in the early 2000s. The most recent, Viendra le temps du feu (Cambourakis, 2021), and Le chant de la rivière (Cambourakis, 2024 ) weave the voices and memories of queer loves of the past with the hope of another possible world. She translated and prefaced the play Up your Ass by Valerie Solanas (Arabian Nights, 2022). She is part of RER Q (writing and textual transport collective) with Rébecca Chaillon, Camille Cornu, Star Finch, Gorge Bataille and etaïnn zwer, participating among other collective publications in the work Lettres aux jeunes poétesses (L’Arche, 2021).