Fri 01 October 2021
Tour à plomb — tour à plomb — 21:00
In a powerful corps-à-corps clinch, two harnessed men play at manipulating each other’s body.
Cie Un Loup Pour l’Homme
cuir — France/Belgium — 40'
In a powerful corps-à-corps clinch, two harnessed men play at manipulating each other’s body. The pleasure they
find in transforming each other into an instrument, an equipment, a playground or a battlefield engages them in a consensual, sensual struggle. Between traction and attraction, they strive for power with each other rather than power over the other. A piece with Arno Ferrera and Gilles Polet, showing for the first time in Brussels!
Créateurs: Arno Ferrera, Mika Lafforgue et Gilles Polet
Interprètes: Arno Ferrera et Gilles Polet
Direction artistique: Arno Ferrera
Regard extérieur: Paola Rizza
Regard chorégraphique: Gilles Polet,
Benjamin Kahn
Regard sonore: Amaury Vanderborght avec la complicité d’Alexandre Fray
Création lumière: Florent Blanchon
Régie lumière et son:Pierre-Jean Faggiani
Artisan sellier: Jara Buschhoff
Conception costumes: Jennifer Defays
Administration, production, diffusion: Caroline Cardoso & Lou Henry
Accompagnement diffusion: Anaïs Longiéras
Photographe: Valérie Frossard
Réalisation vidéo: Romain Vennekens
Relations presse: Estelle Laurentin
Graphisme: Ekta