Hélène Alix Mourrier is a graphic designer & artist, committed to queer identities. It was during a complete course in applied arts at Estienne from 2006 to 2011 that H. became involved in trans-identity issues, and created OPÉ-TRANS, in collaboration with the association OUTrans, a project on the different feminising and masculinising operations for trans* people. In 2012, they entered the Beaux-Arts de Paris, and specialised in ceramics, installation and clubbed performances. At the same time, H. works on graphic design commissions for feminist circles and collaborators and belongs to several activist
collectives, fighting for TransFagDykes community. In 2018, They teaches graphic and editorial design, while continuing their transdisciplinary practice. H. is part of the inclusive typo-graphic research collective Bye Bye Binary and in 2021 directed their first short film:
HERMAN@S (SiblingX).